I know I've forgotten something, but here it is: my first Ludum Dare 48 entry:
Sol Solo title screen |
I spent the last few hours scrambling to pack some last-minute polish in. I was cranking out sound effects from a Roland XP-60, frantically paging through the manual for the soundbank listings, punching it into Audacity, saving, hooking up instances.
And there was a ton of worrying about invisible features. Should I hook in Playtomic? Nah, too risky with only 40 minutes to go. A trackback link? Oh yeah, definitely. Sitelocking? Duh, what am I thinking? That'll just backfire. I'll just have to search the net and see where it ends up.
The main game screen. |
Man, my head is a bit scattered right now. I'll come back to talk about the experience some more in a while, but I need a break. For now, if you want to see it in action (or even try it and rate it!), here's
my LD48 entry page.